
March 16, 2023

Focus on what matters to you when reviewing a spec sheet

Knowledge & Training

Multibeam echosounders are defined by technical features that are specific to acoustic devices. Some of the technical terms may not initially be intuitive even to surveyors.

The objective of this document is to define each technical term to help you understand the importance and implication of each of those concepts in the context of a hydrographic survey.

Spec Sheet Aid


October 30, 2023

University of Malta Survey Project

We are delighted to participate in this project supported by the Maltese National Space Fund and the European Space Agency, to survey the coastline of the Maltese Island to test the viability of a workflow for obtaining a new bathymetric layer from satellite derived information.


March 29, 2023

1024 beams vs 1024 soundings, are they the same?

The difference lies in the data collection method: interpolated vs independent Three years ago, R2Sonic was the first MBES manufacturer to launch the “then new” technical mode Ultra High Density (UHD) which consists in collecting 1024 independent soundings, an improvement from the traditional 256 soundings. This 400% increase in number…

coverage   surroundings   uhd   


March 19, 2023

MultiSpectral versus Multifrequency Backscatter: A Generational Advancement

Multibeam Backscatter is a tool used in seafloor characterization, and R2Sonic‘s recent MultiSpectral Backscatter advancement dramatically improves this process.  MultiSpectral Backscatter comprises two or more frequencies collected in one-pass using an advanced sonar capable of multifrequency transmissions, either interleaved or simultaneous. MultiSpectral Backscatter should not be confused with MultiFrequency Backscatter Older sonars can collect Multifrequency Backscatter…

Installation   Survey